ULtraLife Heavy Decorative Flake Urethane Floor Coating SystemFor automotive floor, exterior , interoir and areas of frequent chemical exposureULtraLife is amulti-layered epoxy / urethane floor coating that exhibits exceptional hiding Characteristics along with superior chemical and abrasion reistance. Suitable for automotive interior and exterior ares. ULtraLife finishes can be applied on any properly prepared cement or wood surface and way even be used as an alternative to resurfacing on rough or uneven substrates. The ULtraLife finishis achieved by hand broadcasting a medium-heavy application of UFlek flakes twice , each time sealing the floor with UGloss-AF clear top coat. The resuit is a heavy, textured flake finish where the underlying UCoat colour is almost completely obscured . Additional UGloss-AF clear top coat mat be applied for a smoother finish. Use standard finish. Use stanard colour UFlek blends or create your own special mix by ordering individual pack of solid flake colours and blending yourself. What’s needed to obtain an ULtraLife finishUCoat water-based epoxy any colour enough for two coats of material over the entire ares.UGloss-AF solvent-based clear urethane enough for at least two coats of material over the entire area.Note that flakes tend to soak-up more material than usual coverage rates will be less than normal add 20 to 30 %UFlek vinyle flakes any colour enough for approximately 6 X the for application for UFlek-AF finishes.This is generally 6-8 UFlek jugs for every 576 sq. ft. or one Uflek 25 lb. pail.
ULtraLife System
Thunder Road Floor Coating Solutions is a division of Thunder Road Racing